I myself have gone through the routine, and i wanted to give some tips, now that i am mature enough not to be afraid of the interviewee.
- Don't have high expectations of yourself. Most probably this will show and you will get grilled for expecting more.( Some interviewee may find this facinating, but ultimately this will lead to heavy burden on you in the future, as the company will now have high expectations from you).
- Don't expect that your first interview will be like those in movies, where you will come out impressing everybody.
- Don't be afraid, sometimes the person taking your interview is more afraid than you.
- Sit straight in the room and don't sleep.
- Don't expect your interview to finish off early, it may go on for hours. The more you engage the interviewee more better image you leave with them.
- Bring something to keep you warm, especially for IT companies, as you may have to sit in an AC room the whole day.
- Make friends in the room, they might be able to help if you have to go to a loo, and you are called. Or maybe in any other stuff.
- Bring something to munch while waiting for your turn. But do mind bring something that would'nt mess the place or make lots of noises while eating.
Maybe i will add more later on. Till then just follow these.