What is this reservation we are talking about, railway reservation !!!
Absolutely NO!! Something very near to us. Lets start from the problem.
We are a very studious country, our parents work day and night to earn money so
they can give us the finest of our education. The dream of getting us in the best
of schools and colleges. Then they hope that we go in good work place to earn and
live better.
So what happens!! COMPETITION happens to us. Lots of competition. There are
few colleges and even fewer colleges out there. Most of us cannot affors private
colleges due to money cruch. This competition comes in form of less number of seats.
My friend gave me his example, he applied to Degree Mechanical Engeneering at MS
University after Diploma. There are only 7 seats for this place. Out of this 3 are
reserved for Lesser Castes, 1 for Girls so we are left 3 seats. He applied for these
3 seats after completing his diploma, some people who had finished this diploma 3 years
before are also applying for these seats, in short about a 100 people battle out
for this 3 seats, which is really unfair.
One solution we have is of increasing the seats to about 20 so we can have a
better chance, but by goverment policies of reserved seats about 24% seats are reserved
for lower castes, so again we are back to square one , many people battling for few
Now the goverment wants to add more 25% to the quota, making the reserved seats
to about 50% of the total seats. SO the senario for my friend willbe 100 people battling
for just 1 seat. That is soooo unfair. Other thing is we are working like pigs,
and dogs for the whole year, trying to get merit trying to get good point and marks in
our marksheets, and what do those so called backward people do , they just have to have 50-60
percent and they stand with us, get merit like us, go to same institutions like us and
come out like they have worked hard.
Who will get affected with this reservations. The doctors on whom this is being
loaded, NO it will affect all the people, all the future parents who want their children
to be doctors. their children will have to battle with thousands or lacs of others for
some seats. Other poeple who will be affected are on whom more reservations are going to be